Building Your Brand: Ten tips on how to successfully implement branding for your business

1. Define
Take a look at yourself and review the service your business offers. Research the needs and concerns of your customers. Your brand is going to promote your business, connect you with your customer base and differentiate you in the market.

2. Your Brand: Think of it as a Person
Every one of us is made differently. We have values and purposes that define who we are. Our personality determines how we behave in different situations, how we dress and what we say. When you’re building a brand it’s vital to have that understanding.

3. Consider what Drives Your Business
What is your brand’s purpose?  What drives you? Establish your brand positioning create an identity and character for brand.

4. Build Social Connections
Don’t over sell yourself and raise expectations that result in broken promises, create trust with honest branding – be clear who your company is and be true to the values that drive it every day.

5. Consistency
Having consistency reinforces the business’ character and offers clarify so that customers are aware of what to expect from the product or service you are providing.

6. Repeat? Repeat?
Don’t let your message repeat itself. Instead, make your key messages work together to build a coherent identity.

7. Mimicking
Are you trying to look like another big name? There is a big consumer trend favoring independent establishments. The big names are actually trying to mimic the independent brands to feel and capture some of that market. Consumers are looking for something more original and authentic that reflects their uniqueness and how they feel about themselves.

8. Be Innovative, Bold & Daring
Stand for something you believe in! Big brands are encumbered by layers of bureaucracy, preventing them from being flexible to customers changing needs. It is hard for corporate decision-makers to be daring with their an upper-level management.

9. Keep it in the Background 
Always consider your branding when communicating with customers.

Don’t lose your pride or dilute your brand positioning with major discounting. Try offering MORE, rather than giving away the bank! Use promotions to reinforce your brand mission.

10. Out with the Old and in with the New
Branding isn’t your logo on a sticker. The future of branding is engaging.  Respect your customers’ intelligence and stray away from giving everything away up front. Thinking of promotions that generate intrigue and allow consumers to learn more about your brand for themselves. This is the best way for consumers to become customers who enjoy telling other people what they have discovered.

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